The project aims to enhance the conditions of forest and mire habitats of EU importance by implementing advanced measures of closer-to-nature forestry.
The project covers four natural areas: the Šimoniu Forest, the Bukta Forest, the Pravirsulio Tyrelis Bog and long time ago abandoned peat cutting area in Dabravole Peatland.
Demonstration restoration of wetlands (habitats) on intensively used agricultural land in Baisogala to meet climate change mitigation goals
Combining environmental, scientific-experimental and land user interests, it is planned to restore the hydrological regime and encourage the formation of wet meadows a habitats in the lowland peat soils (about 8 ha) in the vicinity of Baisogala town (Kemerai village).
Restoration of the hydrological regime of the Tartokas fen and ensuring the good condition of natural habitats
The aim of the project is to create conditions for the restoration of the hydrological regime of the Tartoko wetland, thus reducing GHG emissions, and to maintain the favorable condition of the restored natural habitats and protected species.
Promoting peatland restoration by influencing legislation,
raising public awareness and involvement to reduce the country's GHG emissions
Restoring the hydrological regime in drained mires and other peatlands, their sustainable use and the development of paludiculture is one of the opportunities to effectively reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculturally and industrially used peatlands, thus contributing to meeting the country's climate and environmental commitments.
Restoration of cut-over peatlands by by applying paludiculture and other restoration approaches
In Lithuania, peat quarries occupy 20 000 ha, more than half of which are abandoned. Unfortunately restoration of cut over peatlands in Lithuania is still very slow.
Based on our own and international experience of scientists and practitioners working in the field of wetland restoration, we offer not only the traditional method of reclamation of exploited peatlands...
The project aims to enhance the conditions of forest and mire habitats of EU importance by implementing advanced measures of closer-to-nature forestry.
The project covers four natural areas: the Šimoniu Forest, the Bukta Forest, the Pravirsulio Tyrelis Bog and long time ago abandoned peat cutting area in Dabravole Peatland.
Restoration of the south-western part of the Aukštumala raided bog (2021)
The aim of the project is to improve the ecological status of habitats of European importance in the south-western part of the Aukštumala Telmological Reserve, as well as to reduce GHG emissions from the damaged by drainage raised bog.
Restoration of the hydrological regime of the Paąžuolynė peatland and ensuring the good condition of natural habitats
The aim of the project is to create conditions for the restoration of the hydrological regime of the Paąžuolynė peatland, thus reducing GHG emissions, and to maintain the favorable condition of the restored natural habitats and protected species.
Capacity building for environmental NGOs, to enable effective participation in the implementation and application of carbon offsetting mechanisms in Lithuania
The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of Lithuanian environmental NGOs to effectively participate in the processes of implementation and application of carbon offsetting mechanisms in Lithuania.
Save the past for the future LLI-476
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of organizations involved in the restoration and maintenance of historic parks in the regions of North-Eastern Lithuania and Latgale through modern and comprehensive land management provisions combining historical, natural and biodiversity values and aspects of the rural landscape.