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EUKI – Carbon capturing by Baltic peatland farmers

Practical exchange for paludiculture & carbon
farming. Contribution of Baltic farmers to organic carbon storage in peat soils: practical trade-offs related to peatland farming and carbon sequestration in farming

EUKI logo 2022.jpg


The start of the project is 01/08/2021  

The end of the project 01/12/2023



Project leader - Michael Succow Foundation (Germany)  

Estonian Fund for Nature (Estonia)

Lake and Peatland Research Centre (Latvia)  



The total value of the project is  612 955 EUR.

The project is financed by The European Climate Initiative (EUKI), which is supported by German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Peatlands are the largest terrestrial carbon store in the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Drainage for agriculture, forestry, and peat mining has turned them from carbon sinks into heavily emitting sites. Rewetting of peatlands stops the continuous degradation. As a majority of sites is in use, new forms of land use are needed. Paludiculture as “peatland carbon farming” has proven potential as a low emission land use option for rewetted Baltic peatland sites gaining high interest from business and politics. Therefore, the project intends to enhance capacities and practical experiences on peatland rewetting and its appropriate usage. It tackles obstacles
that hinder large-scale paludiculture implementation and it supports the implementation and monitoring of paludiculture pilot sites. Moreover, it develops result-based remuneration schemes to incentivise “peatland carbon farming” and finally advises Baltic governments on fit-for-purpose interventions for European Green Deal and new CAP policies.

The aim of the project is to transfer the knowledge about the climate-neutral use of peatlands and the acquired practical experience to the farmers of the Baltic countries.


The project is financed by The European Climate Initiative (EUKI), which is supported by German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety..


​The content of the website is the responsibility of the Foundation for Peatlands Restoration and Conservation and cannot in any way be considered to reflect the position of the European Union.


Program webpage

Presentation of the project:  Michael Succow Foundation webpage

More about the project (in Lithuanian):

Leaflets on paludiculture products

Project film. PALUDICULTURE. Farming on wet peat soils (in Lithuanian)

Durpynai, klimatas ir pelkininkystė / Peatlands, Climate and PaludicultureVokietija, 2023
Anglų kalba (su subtitrais lietuvių kalba) / In English (subtitles in Lithuanian)

    © Greifsvaldo pelkių centras, Vokietija / Greifswald Mire Centre, Germany

Metanas natūraliuose ir atkuriamuose durpynuose / 

The role of methane in peatlands and in peatland rewetting, Vokietija, Estija, 2024
Anglų kalba / In English

   © Greifsvaldo pelkių centro partneris Michaelio Zukovo fondas, (Vokietija) /

        Michael Succow Foundation partner in the Greifswald Mire Centre (Germany)
   © Estijos gamtos fondas (Estija) / Estonian Fund for Nature (Estonia)

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