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Contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions - restore Lithuanian peatlands


Restoring drained peatlands is an invaluable contribution to your company's efforts to reduce C02 emissions

Are you looking to reduce your company's carbon footprint and want to collaborate with a reliable and effective nature restoration initiative?
Reduce your company's C02 emissions by reviving Lithuanian peatlands.

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Today, about three quarters of all mires and peatlands in Lithuania have been destroyed or severely damaged.

To mitigate climate change and help you achieve your corporate sustainability goals,
we must work together.

Green Branch in Lake

Increased brand awareness, positioning your brand as an innovative and responsible company for nature and society 

Increasing sales by improving your brand reputation, trust and loyalty

Community, employee and stakeholder engagement

Sustainability reporting and standard compliance 

Why is it worth investing?



Reduction of GHG emissions

Depleted peatlands release huge amounts of greenhouse gases. By restoring the hydrological regime in peatlands, we stop the loss of peat and create the conditions for bogs to accumulate again. Healthy and restored wetlands are reliable stores of organic carbon.

Restoration of biodiversity

An undisturbed peatland is a wonderful ecosystem full of life and thriving biodiversity. By restoring peatlands, we create conditions  for various species of animals and plants to appear and develop.

Improved water quality

Peatlands are important water filtration system that helps clean water and maintain its' high quality. Restoring peatlands improves water quality and has a positive environmental and social impact. By storing water, peatlands also reduce the risk of floods, droughts and peat fires.

Educational and ecotourism opportunities

By restoring peatlands, you create opportunities for educational programs such as nature watching, photography, eco-tourism. People can enjoy the beauty of nature, learn about the uniqueness and ecology of peatlands, participate in educational activities or simply rest and relax in the midst of nature.


Our many years of experience as peatland scientists will help your company ensure:

Restoration and protection of drained peatlands

Reliable calculation of CO2 savings based on MoorFutures (Germany) standard and its methodology

Transparency and collaboration to reduce C02 emissions

High quality work, based on the principles and criteria below:
(additionality, permanence, GHG emission leakage risk management, double accounting insurance, measurability and verifiability).




Over the past year, together with partners from Lithuania and Europe, we have restored about 110 ha of damaged peatlands and thus reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 580 t of CO2 emissions per year.

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We estimate that by 2050 as a result of the mentioned restoration works , we will avoid even 15.5 thousand tons of CO2 emissions . The implemented ecological restoration activities also contributed to the preservation of biological diversity and the improvement of ecosystem services provided by other peatlands.

Become our partners and supporters so we can protect and restore our beautiful peatlands and its' ecosystems. 



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