Promoting peatland restoration by influencing legislation,
raising public awareness and involvement to reduce the country's GHG emissions

Environmental Coalition (Lithuania)
Climate Change Programme, administered by Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Total value of the project –
85 856.43 Eur
Restoring the hydrological regime in drained mires and other peatlands, their sustainable use and the development of paludiculture is one of the opportunities to effectively reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculturally and industrially used peatlands, thus contributing to meeting the country's climate and environmental commitments.
The project aims to focus on reducing GHG emissions from agriculture and industry sectors:
promote peatland restoration and paludiculture on agriculturally used peat soils in Lithuania;
reduce GHG emissions from the peat industry by promoting peatland recultivation, the search for alternative products to peat and the use of peat alternatives in growing media substrates by raising consumer awareness on the choice of more climate-neutral growing substrates.
We will use insights and analyses based on scientific research and expert opinion, publicising of best practices, roundtables, education of farmers and other peatland/land users, the peat industry and the general public, the creation of possible financial incentives, taking into account the views of the target groups, the representation of public interests in influencing legislation, etc.
Expected main results:
an environmental position on peatland restoration, protection and sustainable use policies developed and presented to decision-makers and the general public;
expert opinions and proposals submitted to the authorities (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, State Service for Protected Areas) on peatland restoration and the promotion of paludiculture in the country;
an information campaign on peatland restoration and paludiculture for different target groups performed;
the analysis of the need to close before time not finished peat quarries or parts of them, and discussions on this issue performed;
a proposal on the revision of peatland recultivation procedures submitted to the Ministry of Environment and the Lithuanian Geological Survey;
the publication of the latest research and practical experience on the development of new generation of growing substrate formulations with minimum peat content for growing substrate manufacturers and composting companies.
The project is funded by the Climate Change Programme, administered by Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania.
Website of the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania – https://am.lrv.lt/
Website of the Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment – https://www.apva.lt/en/
Website of Environmental Coalition – https://www.akoalicija.lt/
The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Foundation for Peatland Restoration and Conservation.