Hardworking hands help to restore Kamariškės manor

2021 September 20 In the park of Kamariškės manor, young people roared, chainsaws, shovels and wheelbarrows rattled, and hopeful tea was burning on the campfire, because the air had not pampered the heat from the morning, especially the helpers from the south. An international group of young helpers from Ukraine, Italy and, of course, Lithuania gathered to manage the park environment and clean the foundations of the old manor. These are international exchange programs Erasmus + brings together young people who are not only interested in protecting the natural and cultural heritage, but also wanting to contribute to its restoration and protection. The clean-up was organized by the Innovator Valley Public Institution and assisted by specialists from our Wetlands Protection and Restoration Fund.
The event started Representatives of Innovative Valley Public Institution presenting the history of Kamariškės manor, its current condition and plans to raise the manor for public needs, tidy up the environment, while preserving the biological diversity of the old park. He told the guests about the natural values by walking across and along the park and discovering many interesting things in it. Wetlands Protection and Restoration Fund nature conservation expert Žydrūnas Sinkevičius, who invited the helpers to touch the old trees and understand that the tree is not immobile wood, but the whole living world, which contains everything: plants, animals, fungi, and microscopic organisms ... and dreams. .
After getting acquainted with the values of the park, the helpers got to work: cleaned the basements of the old manor, dug the foundations, prepared quiet and safe wintering grounds for newts and gossip, cleaned the old park according to the recommendations of specialists. apples ... Maybe next year the garden will be more fertile? After all, an apiary located in the park is especially waiting for the abundant flowering fruit trees.
During the respite hour, the bountiful helpers were served not only lunch with the promised hot tea, but also ... the sinful "Lazy" cake.
Well, another event is waiting for Friday, thanks to which the manor will have educational stands about the history of the manor and its natural values created by an international team of young heritage conservationists.
We invite you to come to the manor - not only to look around, but also to take part in new talks - every hard-working hand can contribute to the restoration of the old manor.
Project "LLI-476 Save the Past for the Future"
2014-2020 Interreg VA Latvian-Lithuanian cross-border co-operation program
The total value of the project is EUR 1,030,848.12,
of which - co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund - 876 220.89 EUR.
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of organizations involved in the restoration and maintenance of historic parks in the regions of North-Eastern Lithuania and Latgale through modern and comprehensive land management provisions combining historical, natural and biodiversity values and aspects of the rural landscape.
This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The State Agency for the Restoration and Protection of Wetlands is responsible for the content .
The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union.
Program website www.latlit.eu .
EU website www.europa.eu .
Photos by Jūratė Sendžikaitė